
Toddlers (16-32 Months)

Enrollment capacity is 10 children with three teachers. Curriculum includes:

Bible- Exposed to God, His Son Jesus and His Word through weekly Bible stories and monthly chapel

Language- finger plays, books, songs, dramatic play, repeat and recognize words

Math- puzzles, sorting, shapes, color, counting

Science/sensory/STEM- hands on experiences, sensory table, cause and effect

Art- explore with various tools and mediums, open-ended process art

Fine motor- table toys that require sorting, moving objects, markers, stacking

Gross motor- running and moving in our PE room, pushing and climbing toys in classroom, riding and climbing toys on their own playground

Music- twice weekly music class exposing music styles, rhythm movement and various instruments in addition to classroom music interaction

Toddlers in Training (24-26 Months)

Enrollment capacity is 14 children with three teachers.

Toddlers in Training (30-36 Months)

Enrollment capacity is 16 children with three teachers.

Curriculum includes:

Bible- Exposed to God, His Son Jesus and His Word through weekly Bible stories and monthly chapel

Language- finger plays, books, songs, dramatic play, repeat and recognize words

Math- puzzles, sorting, shapes, color, counting

Science/sensory/STEM- hands on experiences, sensory table, cause and effect

Art- explore with various tools and mediums, open-ended process art

Fine motor- table toys that require sorting, moving objects, markers, stacking

Gross motor- running and moving in our PE room, pushing and climbing toys in classroom, riding and climbing toys on their own playground

Music- twice weekly music class exposing music styles, rhythm movement and various instruments in addition to classroom music interaction