Pre-kindergarten (4–5 years)
Two classes: capacity of 16 with three teachers, capacity of 17 with three teachers.
Curriculum includes:
Bible- daily devotions, weekly Bible story and monthly chapel
Language- exposed to variety of literature, circle time discussions, rhyming words, upper and lower case alphabet, letter sounds, syllables, letter sounds, journal with teacher, letter of the week
Math- recognize shapes, sorting, graphing, matching, patterns, count to 30, recognize 1 – 10, simple addition, geometry skills with designs
Science/sensory/STEM- sensory table, cooking, observation, cause and effect, classification and predictions, hands-on activities
Art- recognize colors, explore variety of tools and mediums with open-ended process art
Fine motor- cutting, lacing, manipulate various writing tools, scissors skils, eye-hand coordination, pencil grip, writing name, stacking 10 blocks
Gross motor- throw, catch, bounce, kickball, balance on one foot, walk on a balance beam, climb and descend stairs, skip, pedal tricycles, PE class three times a week and outdoor playground
Music- twice weekly music class exposing music styles, rhythm movement and various instruments in addition to classroom music interaction